Student Registration
Student Registration Information 2024-2025
Returning and Pre-Registered
ParentVUE Resources
Forgot Password? Use the forgot password option in your ParentVue account. If you need further assistance with your ParentVUE account, please contact the school at (505) 897-0101.
Returning JMMS Students and Pre-Registered Incoming 6th Graders
Must complete the returning and pre-registered online registration in ParentVUE and follow the prompts. You will be required to upload the required documents including your proof of residency. See the attached list for acceptable documents.
Please note that an online registration will not be accepted and your student will not be registered until we have received all the required documentation.
Families of New Students to JMMS
Students who have never attended an APS school before and has no ID# must complete the online registration in ParentVUE and follow the prompts.
Families of Returning Students
Student who withdrew in current year and now back, also students transferring within APS, including APS Charter schools must complete the online registration in ParentVUE.
All new and returning students will need to upload all the required documents when completing the online registration in ParentVUE, such as a current mortgage statement, rental agreement, PNM, or gas bill.
Please note that an online registration will not be accepted and your student will not be registered until we have received all the required documentation.
New Students
New Student Registration Procedures
The following are the new student registration procedures for students who live in the JMMS attendance boundaries and will attend JMMS for the 2024 -2025 school year, but who do not currently attend JMMS, Sierra Vista ES, Sunset View ES, Seven Bar ES or Petroglyph ES.
Important: New Student registration is on Tuesday and Thursday between 9:00-11:00am.
Information to Bring with You
- Birth certificate: Required if new to APS
- Immunization record: Up-to-date shot record
- Proof of address: Student and parent/legal guardian must live in JMMS attendance ;boundaries:
- Current PNM utility bill with parent/legal guardian name and physical street address on it (water, cable, phone bills, etc. do not apply); or
- Current rental agreement (with parent/legal guardian name, student name and physical street address on it); or
- Current purchase agreement (with parent/legal guardian name and physical street address on it)
- Transcript, report card: Current unofficial transcripts and most recent report card.
- Withdrawal documentation from last school attended, if applicable.
- Copies of IEP, special program/course placement, etc. if applicable (i.e., special education, gifted, ELD services)
- Driver's license of parent/legal guardian who is enrolling student.
During the registration, you will be going on the computer onto ParentVUE and completing the online registration. Bring all items listed in #1 with you to registration. You will be filling out a registration packet and a Course Request Card with the student’s requested classes for next year.
Online Registration
Please review the following on-line registration procedures.
On-line registration is now open.
You need to login to your ParentVUE account to complete your child's registration.
Prepare Your Documents
To make the on-line registration process smooth and convenient, please have the following information available:
- Student's Birth Certificate (or Affidavit)
- Emergency contact phone number(s)
- Doctor and Dentist office contact information
- Immunization Card
- Previous schools address and phone number
- Proof of address
- Custodial documentation (if applicable)
Setup Your ParentVUE account
You will need to setup a ParentVUE account to register your child(ren) online. Once you log into ParentVUE, you'll be asked to review and update your student's information including:
- Address
- Parent/Guardian(s) Name and Contact Information
- Emergency Contacts
- Student Information
- Health Information including the name of your healthcare provider, dentist, health conditions and/or medication (if applicable)
- Immunizations
- Information Release
- Language Usage Survey
- Previous Schools Attended
- Parent/Guardian Relationships
- Disciplinary History
As you complete the annual verification process you may notice that some fields are non-editable. If any information provided in ParentVUE is incorrect please contact the main office to update that information.
New to APS
If your student has never attend an APS school -
Before you start your student's registration process, you must first create a ParentVue account!
Directions on how to create a ParentVUE account:
- Go to https://nm-abq-psv.edupoint.
com/PXP2_OEN_login.aspx to access the ParentVue account access page.. - To create an account, click, "Create a New Account." A dropdown will open.
- In the dropdown, click "Create a New Account" again.
- Answer the questions that appear on the screen. Once you have answered all the questions, click "Continue."
- The "Privacy Statement" page will open. Review the privacy policy statement and, if you agree to the terms and conditions, click "I Accept."
- The "Create Your Account" page will open. Enter your personal information: your first name, last name, and email. Confirm your email. Verify you're not a robot by entering the code on the screen. When you are finished, click "Continue."
After you created your Parentvue account - you can continue with your student's registration by following the step by step prompts in ParentVUE.
If you need help, please call our Front office during normal business hours.
APS Forms -